Orana Student Profile


Lloyd David Sibug


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Lloyd David Sibug.

Orana Student
Orana Fashion Business College

“I loved every moment throughout the time I've studied at Orana, but mostly my favourtite experience so far is when we had Shoot Week, it made me feel like I was in the right place and just doing something I love surrounded by other creatives.”

What course are you (or were you) studying?

Diploma of Social Media Marketing (major in fashion, beauty & lifestyle)

Tell us a little bit about your journey to become a fashion student.

My personal motivations for stepping into the fashion industry were primarily my passion of drawing and my interest in clothing and the fact that I love clothes. I've always had really specific ideas about what I wanted to wear; if I couldn't find things I liked, I'd go to Pinterest or Instagram to gain inspiration and find them on a local thrift shop or pre-loved shops.

Eventually, I chose to study fashion and, fingers crossed, to create a career out of it. It's a really interesting field because it's both a business and an art form, which appealed to me.

What career path are you hoping to step into?

I'm on the fence on stepping into either Creative Direction/Fashion Styling or enter Public Relations which is what I've just figured out recently recently.

What do you love most about being a fashion student?

The things I love the most about being a Fashion Student is that I get to be myslef more, studying at Orana helps me to focus my creative discovery on ethical and moral challenges affecting society whilst working on collaborative live briefs. The studio area is just one more feature I adore about the course stufying Fashion. Among other creative people, the room's openness and spaciousness allow me to work freely and readily, which inspires me.

What are some of your favourite Orana memories and experiences so far?

I loved every moment throughout the time I've studied at Orana, but mostly my favourtite experience so far is when we had Shoot Week, it made me feel like I was in the right place and just doing something I love surrounded by other creatives.

Do you have any advice or tips for future students looking to enrol with Orana?

Although the area of fashion industry is undoubtedly challenging and competitive, it is also incredibly creative and fascinating. If you're enthusiastic about it, I'd advise you to explore more about it and not limit yourself for experiencing the creative world we live in!

How would you describe Orana in 3-5 words or less?

Creative, Expressive, Avant-Garde, Significantly & Inspiring.

How was your first term at Orana?

It was overwhelming in a good way, with joy and excitement. It was really nice seeing new faces and being surrounded by people who have the same eagerness I have to learn and tackle the Fashion industry. 

What goals are you wanting to achieve whilst at Orana?

I would like to be able to work with more creative people and hopefully intern to gain valuable experience to finally start a career and enjoy whilst studying at Orana. 

Where do you hope to see yourself in the next 5 years?

I hope to see myself loving what I do and passionate about it in the next 5 years, I opt to see myself in a position where I feel I'm where I'm supposed to be and hopefully in the Fashion Industry whether it to be in Public Relations or as a Stylist. 

Take the next step and launch

your creative career just like Lloyd.